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No January Meeting
February Meetings: The Problem of Evil and Suffering
Even when convinced the intellectual problem of evil has a rational solution, most of us still struggle with why God allows evil or commands what we consider to be evil acts. This is not an intellectual objection but an emotional/gut response. This talk will address the emotional/pastoral problem of evil and how to engage those who struggle with it.
Scott Hassett (local pastor)
Feb Meeting, 2/10, 7pm at Faith Church Rio Rancho, 900 Southern Blvd SE.
Feb Meeting, 2/24, 7pm at Faith Church Rio Rancho, 900 Southern Blvd SE.
A follow up meeting that will cover the moral argument for God's existence and the intellectual problem of evil.
Inspiring Christian Faith
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Future Meetings
2025 meeting schedule
Currently all meetings are scheduled for a Monday evening at 7pm at Faith Church in Rio Rancho. I am still trying to find a second time for a duplicate meeting at Great Commission Alliance near the UNM campus. I'll update this site when this is resolved.
The Moral Argument for God's Existence and the Problem of Evil
This talk will review William Lane Craig's moral argument for God's existence and the intellectual problem of evil. A subsequent talk will address the emotional/pastoral problem of evil.
Todd Ryan
Meeting time TBD: We may have a 2nd meeting for this topic later in Feb or later in the spring. The website will be updated when schedule is finalized.
The Scriptural Case for the Doctrine of the Trinity
Many religious groups such as Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons, and Muslims reject the Trinity. Why do Christians believe it? This talk will review the scripture basis for the doctrine of the Trinity. The goal of this talk is A) ground Christians in the scriptural basis for their beliefs to better engage others, and B) help non-Christians understand why Christians believe the Trinity and its importance to Christianity.
Pastor Clint Saxon (Faith Church Rio Rancho)
March Meeting, 3/10, 7pm at Faith Church Rio Rancho, 900 Southern Blvd SE.
Engaging Non-Trinitarian Religious People
The purpose of this meeting is to help Christians better understand non-Trinitarian groups such as Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons, or Muslims and how to clearly address their objections to the Bible.
Speakers: Nate Herbst (Great Commission Alliance)
Apr Meeting, 4/14, 7pm at Faith Church Rio Rancho, 900 Southern Blvd SE.
Previous Meetings
Presuppositional Apologetics
Presents the basics of Cornelius Van Til's (and Francis Schaeffer's) approach to apologetics, which argues that non-Christian worldviews must borrow or tacitly assume biblical presuppositions to make sense of reality.
Presented by Thad Bonzon
December 2024
Special Workshop on using Greg Koukl's, "Tactics."
An interactive workshop to train and practice how to artfully and diplomatically communicate the truths of Christianity and provide reasons for unbelievers to consider the Christian faith. Reading the book prior to the workshop is recommended but not required.
Presented by Don and Damara Andrade (The Hitched Apologists)
November 2024
The Deceptions of Postmodern/Progressive Christianity
Don and Damara Andrade (The Hitched Apologists)
November 2024
Have you ever heard someone say that they love Jesus yet are advocates for the LGBTQ+? What about those who say we can attain “Christ” or that we can obtain a “divinity” in each and every one of us? What about those who say the God of the Old Testament is different than the God of the New Testament? Have you had someone say you're toxic for simply holding to a biblical worldview? What about the phrase "pro-choice Christian"? Have you heard of the term deconstruction, which can cause an explosion sending metaphorical shrapnel in multiple directions? As Alisa Childers coins it in her book, The Deconstruction of Christianity, “Deconstruction is more of an 'explosion' rather than a movement, that can land you into secular humanism, New Age, atheism, agnosticism, progressive Christianity, etc.” After one deconstructs their faith, they are never the same.
Design in Nature: Intelligent Design vs Darwinism
Reviews the basics of molecular biology and how intelligent design theorists are challenging naturalistic evolutionary theories.
E. Todd Ryan, Ph.D.
October 2024
The Celestial Destruction of Tall el-Hammam and Biblical Sodom
Prof. Byers worked closely with Prof. Steven Collins, who discovered biblical Sodom. He tells the story of how archeologists found the site and discovered how Sodom was destroyed by a meteor air burst, which was tantamount to a nuclear explosion. This work was published in the world's leading science journal, Nature.
Gary Byers, Ph.D.
Dean of the College of Archaeology & Biblical History, Trinity Southwest University
September 2024
The Historical Reliability of Scripture
Reviews how the Christian Bible was compiled and why Christians consider it the inspired, inerrant word of God and not another "holy book" written by human authors.
Mr. Nate Herbst
Great Commission Alliance
May 2024
Verifying the Bible Through Archeology
Reviews how over a century of archeological findings have confirmed the historicity of the Bible and steady undermined the humanistic Documentary Theory of Old Testament composition.
Dr. Brian Maggard
Associate Pastor: Vertical Church Albuquerque
April 2024
The Kalam Cosmological Argument for the Existence of God
Reviews how big bang cosmology in conjunction with the simple, but powerful, Kalam cosmological argument reveals the existence of a personal God.
E. Todd Ryan
March 2024
Design in Nature: From the Universe to Molecular Machines
Reviews how modern science reveals a universe that is so fine-tuned for life that our existence appears to be a miracle. The talk also reviews the irreducibly complex molecular machinery of the cell.
E. Todd Ryan
February 2024
Evidence for the Resurrection of Jesus
Reviews the historical evidence that reversed secular scholarly opinion, which now views the accounts of Jesus' resurrection as historical in that they are reliable accounts of what those at the time believed. Many secular scholars now admit that Jesus' earliest disciples saw the risen Jesus. They consider it a mystery they can't explain. They won't accept a supernatural explanation.
E. Todd Ryan
January 2024
Reasonable Faith ABQ
Apologetics ministry providing evidence for Christian faith in Albuquerque.
Meeting Locations
Faith Church, 900 Southern Blvd SE, Rio Rancho, NM
Great Commission Alliance, 1525 Girard Blvd NE, Albuquerque
Reasonable Faith ABQ
A local apologetics organization exploring the scientific, philosophical, and historical evidence for the Christian faith.
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